Keep Your Storage Unit Smelling Fresh

When you take your belongings, such as clothes or furniture, out of storage, it should smell as fresh as they do you put them into storage. If you want to keep your unit smelling fresh, here are some helpful tips. Dusty Odors As dust and humidity build in storage...

Spring Storage Options

Spring is here and millions of people are making plans to enjoy the great outdoors. They’re airing up bike tires, buying pool toys and swimwear, and making plans with family and friends. It’s a great time of year and a welcome break from the cold winter nights....

Mini Storage – A Great Way to Reclaim Your Garage

Many people have a garage attached to their home, but few actually use them as a place to park their vehicles. Most people use them as a storage shed and fill them with items until there is no longer any room within the space. As time progresses, the garage becomes...

Summer Storage Success

Now that the winter months are over and the summer months are upon us, lots of people will begin cleaning out their attics, garages, basements and closets. Once they’ve sorted everything and thrown away that which was broken, many will use the warm weather to have a...