Summer is Ending…Now What

The summer is nearing it’s end and thankfully school is about to begin. The kids will be in classes, the vacations will be over and you can finally get back to some sort of routine in your daily life. There won’t be any need for the baseball gloves, bats,...

How to Properly Pack Your Belongings For Storage

There comes a time in a persons life where you just feel like you’re running out of room. When this time rolls around for you, self-storage can help. As self-proclaimed storage pros, we have come up with a few tips on how to box your special belongings while in...

Storage Unit Tips

Mini-storage can be used for multiple different reasons. If you’re trying to sell your home, you might want to free up closets and rooms of additional clutter so that the place looks better. Perhaps you have too much furniture for your new house, the children...

Types of RV’s

RV’s come in all shapes and sizes (and price tags). There are countless models and customizations that give you endless opportunities when selecting a motorhome. Once you have an RV, consider RV storage at a mini storage location with 24 hour locked/keypad security....